Jack was so excited about starting school back and he even handled the first day of waking up at 5:50am pretty well. All the kids at his school were so excited to see him and were in his face all day, which overwhelmed him a little bit. It was good for him to be with his friends though and play and talk with other 4 year olds!
Nolan was great on his first day as well. The ladies said he never cried and was just the happiest baby! This kid is really easy.
I thought it was funny at work for me that most people asked me how I was doing with taking the kids to school that day. Most people were looking for me to be really upset maybe even tear up a little. Now, with Jack yes I did....when it is your first kid and they are going to a daycare you do worry about them. Now though, I've been through it, I know what to expect and everything will be ok! If I was dropping him off at some shady place, which I would never do, then I would be worried, but these people at Jack's school have taken excellent care of Jack and I know they will do the same for Nolan. So, two days down and many more to go!! All is well in the Hinkson household!
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